Welcome to Traverse Research!

Traverse Research is an independent research organisation dedicated to building evidence around gender identity, gender reassignment and gender variancy in the UK.

Research: We provide high quality research outputs in relation to trans people, issues and populations.

Consultancy: We support organisations to enhance inclusion and to improve social outcomes for trans and gender variant people.

Policy: We engage with key stakeholders to identify current areas in need of knowledge enhancement.

Partnership: We work with the third and public sectors, academia and statutory bodies to achieve social impact and change.

Please note that this site is currently under construction, and will be updated soon.

If you wish to contact us for further information about our services or the Trans Mental Health Study 2012, please email us at:

info (at) traverse-research.com

We look forward to hearing from you.

Jay McNeil & Dr Louis Bailey

2 thoughts on “Welcome to Traverse Research!

  1. Hi,

    I’d like the pharmacy industry to produce an oestrogen medication that actually feminises the transwoman, as in my experience the current HRT medication we are prescribed doesn’t, having been on HRT for 6 years, all I can really say I have achieved is C cup breasts, but then some people ask “are they real or false mate” having had my GCS some 4 years ago I still occasionally get asked “have you had the chop op yet”, HRT doesn’t unfortunately rid us of body hair, that is legs, chest, arms and under arm, so it’s a shame HRT is so weak and ineffective.

    • Great video. Being non-binary and mixing it up is diicufflt because it seems like everyone else likes nice neat labels. It takes a lot of courage to stick to what feels authentic. Even if it changes during the week.

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